Saturday 22 October 2016

Insiders Old Spice Deodorant Review

I've been trying the Old Spice range from Procter and Gamble as part of my Insiders word of mouth campaign. I was lucky enough to receive a fantastic box of goodies to test and review including 4 cans of deodorant 10 vouchers to share. So how have the traditional brand updated their branding and scent?

Growing up every one knew who Old Spice were. It was the brand of choice for dads up and down the country. 

It was the olden days version of Lynx an ideal Xmas present for boys and men we don't know well enough to buy them something with thought in it. Not that that's a bad thing in fact for many teenagers a good Xmas haul can last the full year. Being the only man in the house my dad was the only possible recipient of Old Spice; however being the owner of a full beard, most gift sets were a pretty poor choice.

The  rebrand of Old Spice sent waves through social media, manly men portrayed in a vaguely camp manner. Women of the world sat up and took note (mainly because of the half naked muscular specimens touted the manly smell). Claims abounded that your men folk could wrestle bears, ride horses and develop physiques of a Greek God. 

Men pondered whether their past generations might have been onto something, after all "If your Grandfather hadn't worn it, you wouldn't exist."

I personally preferred Wolfthorn as its scent was sweeter, though it fades to a more normal manly scent, it was also the preferred scent for my teenage son. However that was something that the man in my life didn't appreciate as much, he liked the Hawkridge scent (claiming it smelt more manly). 

They definitely weren't joking when they said "One spray lasts all day", that is an enduring fragrance, the amount a teenage boy will use in one morning will still have you struggling for breath at dinner time.

I loved the graphics, a very modern Ed Hardy look to the tins. 
I'm still awaiting the transformation of muscles and bare back horse riding, but I'd be happy to keep on buying the deodorants until that magical day!

Actually I think it may actually work... Look at the muscle growth in a year...
Wow highly recommended...
Old Spice, you're the best!
Old Spice
Procter & Gamble

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