Monday 16 November 2015

Racism, Sheep and Facebook Friends

It's been a rough couple of Facebook days for me, I know Third world problems, I have deleted over half my friend due to their apparent racist ignorant political belief's. I'm all for letting other live their lives but when the Global atrocities are ignore by the masses only to find everyone weeping over just one of them, it seems a little strange.

The selective outcry over bombings and death were highlighted by many but I really like the way Roua Naboulsi said it and also in this beautifully emotional poem by Karuna Ezara Parikh.
Then we have to deal with idiotic politicians who believe they have a right to fix the world by slaughtering more through lack of education. Has the world got so bad that a sexist, racist rich fool is considered a valid source of decision making? 
The French police have broadcast the name and image of Salah Abdeslam, a 26-year-old born in Brussels (that's right ....not a refugee!),warning that he is very dangerous. His brother, Ibrahim, was one of the seven suicide bombers in the devastating terror attacks. Salah is thought to be on the run and was briefly stopped by French police near the Belgian border (They let him go?)

Now the 'revenge' airstrikes in Syria with 20 bomb confirmed with 'activists' (because we believe them!) inside Syria have suggested that no civilian casualties have been sustained in the Raqqa bombings. A claim that could be considered a minor miracle and massively unlikely. A thought further substantiated by claims water supplies and electricity have been cut as a result of the air strikes, and further claims there has been 'panic' inside the city. 

Yes, because there wouldn't be panic if you had no running water and electric and were being bombed. If the explosions don't kill you then the disease caused by lack of fresh water could be considered a problem.
Where is the Facebook filter and check-in for the innocents in peril, more to the point where is the humanity in bombing people.

Today word of the rest of the bombings has sunk into the internet and Facebook began to turn around and face the reality of the world we have made for our future generations. I actually thought a corner had been turned and not every one was self obsessed and desperate for acknowledgment of their self worth.

However that was all cut short when the latest 'Celebrity' junk filled our screens and the posts spamming opinions jammed the news feeds.
I guess the world keeps on turning; shame it needs to spiral into the sea of taxpayer funded idiotic drivel that is deemed essential viewing for today's populace of uneducated sheep. Wow some millionaire ate a bug - at least they ate today.

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